Monday, October 15, 2012


Well I  have some exciting news...This past sunday I got a phone call from the zone leaders telling me that there were going to be special changes. I have finally left Riveras Del Bosque, I am now writing to you from Villa Verde, Mexicali. Yep Mexicali. Thankfully it is october here so it not too hot, Its starting to cool down here. My new companion is Elder Richins from Colorado. He is my 3rd american companion. Which is odd, usually american missionaries only get one or twoother american missionary companions. This past sunday was fast and testimony meeting so I gave my testimony and announced in front of all of them that I would be leaving for Mexicali the following Monday. We spent the day visiting some recent converts of mine and some families I was close to. I am really going to miss some of them. Elder Bowers is staying there and getting a new companion named Rodriguez. I feel bad leaving him since we didnt have to many investigators at the time. The one person we had really going for baptism was Berenice but this past sunday she had been given a bible from the Jehovahs Witness, she then started asking as a lot of questions about the Book of Mormon and one common question JW´s have is ¨so what is Gods name¨ so we had to explain how Jesus Christ and Jehovah are the same person. We talked more of the Book of Mormon and the Bible and she had some maps on the back of her scriptures but she didnt know where Israel or the city of Jerusalem were, or Egypt. She is in college and couldnt find these places on a map. The educational system here does not do a whole lot of focus on geography. But I think we were able to resolve her doubts. That new family that contacted us while we were eating turned out to all be members but less actives. They have one son who is not a member and Elder Bowers plans to try with him and reactivate his family.
So today I was on a 2 and half hour bus ride from Tijuana to here in Mexicali. You remember my old companion Elder Ramirez? he is now my District leader. Elder Doria is here in my zone too. 
I will be here with Elder Richins for his last 3 weeks of his mission. 
From what Elder Richins has been telling me our sector needs a lot of work. Our area hasn't had a baptism since May. Usually if there have not been baptisms for longer then 3 months the sector gets closed down, so its a little wierd that this ward still has missionaries. I got a lot of work to do then.
Love Elder Micah Johnson