This week has been a lot better. We had tons of lessons this week with a lot of new people to work with and leads. This past week we had a zone conference where we reviewed about teaching the law of tithing. The president showed us a chart that showed the dramatic growth of the church but showed the number of people who payed their tithing only had a little increase. We are now asked to make sure we teach the principle of tithing completely At the zone conference we also got mail and packages. I finally got the one from my birthday and the one for Christmas. I shared a lot of the candy with my district our weekly meeting. Thanks for all of it!
Quick shout out to Blake and Beth, I got your letters from October, Thanks!, My reply should come soon.
I really enjoyed reading the article from the Mormon times and the music.
This past Friday we also had a zone activity in my area where all of the missionaries from the zone came to help us find new people. I got to go off with my old friend Doria. We found someone who is very prepared for the gospel. When we knocked on her door she told us that she spoke English and invited us in. Her name is Nelly.We learned she had been deported from California about 5 months ago. She has lived all of her life in the united states and doesn't have any family here in mexico. Needless to say she has been going through a rough time here trying to adapt to the way things are here. We gave here the first lesson and the spirit was very strong, we have a visit with her today and are going to bring her an English copy of the book of Mormon The activity was very successful. Now we have a lot more references. The members are helping us a little more. That is due to two things. This past Saturday we had a meeting with all of the bishoprics in Mexicali were a member of the 70 and the mission president came and emphasized the importance of working with us to have more success. This past Sunday I was all surprised to see that the 70 and the mission president were sitting in the stand at our sacrament meeting. Again here the 70 began emphasized the importance of missionary work and keeping a clean chapel. Since then the members have been giving us more references So our plan for the following week is to contact all of them.
One of the people that we are working with is Isaises. He is great but I don't see him progressing to far, yesterday he was drinking so we set up for a visit with him for next week. He is always pretty interested but has a lot of doubts about God. We are also teaching a friend of his named Juan and his family. They are pretty good as well the only challenge with them is trying to keep the 2 kids quiet so that we can teach.
A family that we are getting very well acquainted with is the Hazard family, they have a friend who comes to church that we have been giving the lessons too. The only problem is that she is 15 and her parents said that she cant be baptized. But we are going to keep trying with her.
Love Elder Micah Johnson
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